Monday, December 14, 2009

Mom's advice for sore throat

Gargle with salt water.

That thought came to me loud and clear on Saturday night as I was suffering from a really painful sore throat. No matter how much honey, lozenges, cough syrup I took, it still hurt like crazy. Even reiki didn't help much. I was wandering restlessly around the house when that memory came to me. Mom always used to say that whenever I had a sore throat as a child. So I obeyed. And it worked. My throat was much, much better yesterday. Thanks mom :)

Dad and I have decided to honour her by organising a memorial on her birthday, 21st January. Yay-Yay!


Blogger Jonathan Chu said...

Moms are the best things you can ever have on earth. =)

12:06 PM  

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