Friday, September 22, 2006

Biggest Ever Training Overview

On Tuesday night, we had 47 LUCT students come over to find out about 95% Trainings, and the November Creatives In Progress. Their commitment was impressive - some arrived in Bangsar as early as two hours before time! Just to make sure they won't be late. Many had no idea where we were located but they came anyway and somehow found their way here.

It was great to see so many young and eager students who are still one or two years away from graduating, already taking steps to give themselves an edge. They are serious!

I was also very impressed by our graduates Sue, Joescher, Bisma, Johan and Mahadi who shared their experiences. You guys spoke like pros - no preparation also no sweat wan ah? coool...

A big THANK YOU to everyone, especially Guru Besar, who made it happen that night. And THANK YOU too to all those who have volunteered their time to ease our incredible workload these past two weeks - Bala, Kathie, Andrew, Norman, Bisma, Chris, Sue, Fadzly, Max and our two sexy male secretaries (you know who you are) ... Without you, I wouldn't be able to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Now I do see it, bright and clear ... YAY! Deep-deep thanks to all of you.

Looking forward to packed classes in November!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

so in the next intake, they will be 47 participants?

11:36 PM  

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