Monday, April 03, 2006

Need Your Response...

I'm doing a little reasearch and would appreciate it if you can spare a few minutes to share your POV. Thanks!

1. Is it possible to work in advertising and still have a life?
2. Can quality time replace quantity time with loved ones?
3. If not, what makes it worth it for you? ie, why do you want it?

That's it - thanks again, and Happy Monday!


Blogger Sonny Lim said...

Compare that with the life of a trainer training budding advertising people!!!

Weekend talks, evening workshops, etc, etc... not that I am complaining but what is your POV on the life of such a trainer?

Me thinks having quality work life is also part of quality of life. So if you love what you are doing and you show it, wouldn't those around you feel that you are a quality person to be with?

Don't ask me any questions, am answering your survey only!

5:34 PM  
Blogger Sonny Lim said...

Compare that with the life of a trainer training budding advertising people!!!

Weekend talks, evening workshops, etc, etc... not that I am complaining but what is your POV on the life of such a trainer?

Me thinks having quality work life is also part of quality of life. So if you love what you are doing and you show it, wouldn't those around you feel that you are a quality person to be with?

Don't ask me any questions, am answering your survey only!

5:40 PM  
Blogger nutty said...

me realize response is quite late. me want to blab anyway.

1. yes it is possible to work in advertising and have a life. but i think the difference is people who work in advertising are so dedicated/ committed/ engulfed/ lonely/ jaded, that advertising sort of "becomes" their life. when you're in advertising it's hard to separate work life and life life because it's not exactly a 9 to 5 job you can put away, even if you leave the office at 5.

2. no, i think quality time doesn't replace quantity time. sure quality time is better than quantity time, which is better than no time at all, but given the choice, i'd rather spend lotsandlotsa time with my loved ones, as opposed to 5 awesome minutes.

3. i think i answered this already. if not, i... don't really get the question.

5:06 AM  
Blogger 95% The Advertising Academy said...

Thankie lots, Nadia! For a long time, I thot my dear hubby's cryptic response was the only one I'd ever get!

4:27 PM  
Blogger SaDdNesZ.jc said...


If youwork for a dodgy small and uninspired ad agency...

Like me....

2:45 PM  
Blogger Minang Bercakap American said...

1.tsk, tsk. Of course we can still have a life eventhough we are in advertising. Its all depends on how you balance it.

2.urm, quality time? quantity time? I'm not sure but I think if I constantly think about replacing the time I spent in work and in personal life, that pretty much would make me think that I'm are not actually having a life cuz time is like a grain of a sand. You can't control it but just make the best out of it.

3. to be honest, i m not sure what the 3rd question is. but for whats its worth, if my passion for something is worth it, I'm sure everyone around me would understand. Honest ,truthful passion can touch alot of people's heart. I know cuz I ve experience it.

12:43 PM  
Blogger iwannaeatporkchoptonight said...

Better late than never. I always seem to have something to say about everything and anything huh. Old habits die hard :)

1) Very possible but not without great difficulty unless everything clicks at exactly the right spot the minute the brief lands on the table. While I so desperately want to get out and live life, I feel that I'm not giving my best if I leave a half-cooked brief on the table. So how? Having said that, it doesn't happen all the time. So, at every other time, yes, I have a life :)

2) This is a pretty tricky one. I don't know. If I really love someone, I realised that no matter what I WILL make time for that person. Subconsciously.

3) I used to believe advertising is one of my 'loves' in life, which is why I'm still around. Or more appropriately, why I'm back. I don't know if I can proclaim that now with the same 'oomph' I had before. If advertising is a person, I believe we're having a love-hate relationship right now and are at the stage of trying to work things out :) The heartbeats that used to be there have somehow faded. But guess what? After lunch today, we've decided to give it another go and see if we can revive some of the passion that made everything worthwhile :) I hope this makes sense to you.

Now it's my turn to ask. Is it possible to forget to live because we're so busy doing things to live life?

6:18 PM  

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